Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Asparagus is one of the most nutritionally well-balanced vegetables in existence.

The title is a quote from a great web site about Asparagus. I love asparagus but never knew how healthy it is. Here is some more information copied from the web site.

Asparagus is:
Low in calories, only 20 per 5.3 oz. serving, less than 4 calories per spear.
Contains no fat or cholesterol.
Very low in sodium.
A good source of potassium.(1)
A source of fiber (3 grams per 5.3 oz. serving). (2)
An excellent source of folacin. (3)
A significant source of thiamin. (4)
A significant source of vitamin B6. (4)
One of the richest sources of rutin, a compound which strengthens capillary walls.
Contains glutathione (GSH). (5)

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